Business Immigration Europe
Services Before Settling in Lithuania
Services Before Settling in Spain
Services Before Settling in Poland
Services Before Settling in Latvia
Services After Settling in Latvia
Services Before Settling in Estonia
Services After Settling in Estonia
Services Before Settling in Denmark
Services Before Settling in Sweden
Services Before Settling in Czech Republic
Services After Settling in Czech Republic
Services Before Settling in Slovakia Republic
Services After Settling in Slovakia Republic
Services Before Settling in Germany
Services After Settling in Germany
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Who we are and what we do
BIZBON employees have more than 15 years of experience in business consulting, immigration, tax, accounting advice and legal consulting services. Our main office based in the capital of Lithuania – Vilnius city.
Long term of experience allows to our experts objectively review and evaluate any situation. We solve all the causing business and immigration problems individually within a professional staff that consisted from auditors, lawyers, accountants and business consultants. Our branches and offices are operating in several EU countries. We are able to cooperate with all clients, including foreign investors and entrepreneurs who intend to start or expand own business in the European countries.
List of services
- Company registration;
- Temporary residence permit in Europe by doing business;
- help to buy and sell running businesses in Lithuania;
- Assistance for getting Visting Visa to Europe;
- Opening of bank accounts
- All kind of advice of possible issues on company registration and liquidation;
- Necessary documents preparation in order to buy, sell or expand a running businesses;
- Business plan preparation;
- Market research
- Assistance in gaining all necessary licenses and permits for your business;
- Accounting and audit services.
Legal and accounting services for Your business
You can expect a qualified legal and accounting service providing by our specialists, who have an extensive experience of cooperation with local Lithuanian and international companies. In accordance with the client requirements, we can organize bookkeeping not only for a local ventures, but also to the foreign companies as well initiate the preparation of company financial statements and provide all the relevant documentation to various national and private institutions.
- Taxation issues. Advice on tax solutions;
- Value added tax issues. Consulting on VAT refund, the procedure implementation of VAT return on behalf of the client;
- Assistance to register a functioning company in a taxpayer list, VAT payer;
- Financial statement accounting in accordance to national bookkeeping standards also international financial reporting standards;
- Payroll;
- Payment order preparation for commercial banks and other financial institutions;
- Tax declarations preparation, helping in tax declaration submission to state tax and fiscal offices;
- Preparation of periodical reports and financial statements on Your company behalf. (annual, monthly);
- Head accountant (senior) functions.
Business immigration services
BIZBON offers to obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP) in Lithuania in the European Union and the Schengen Agreement country on the basis of business activity that allows you to live and work in one of those countries and thus freely move through the Schengen territory. In this case, you are required to register a company in Lithuania or find already running business for sale. Also we will help you with the extension of Lithuanian temporary residence permit.
Our company has an extensive experience providing business consulting and immigration services. BIZBON’s qualified lawyers and consultants will kindly assist you with the company registration process and preparation of related necessary documentation as well with the documents that concerns the activity of your company submitting them to Immigration offices or embassies in order to obtain a residence permit.
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Become Associate BIZBON Partner
The Associate Partnership grants you the right to trade under the corporate identity of Bizbon Associate Partner Network within an exclusive area for the duration of the Associate Partner Contract, and to enjoy continued access to our know-how and support and to enjoy continued access to our know-how and support.
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Blog Entries
Featured Business Services In Lithuania
Visit VISA for Lithuania
So, how to get visit visa to Lithuania? What are the advantages of business visa to Lithuania? It doesn’t matter if you are planning to visit Lithuania for business opportunities and investments or just for market research, Lithuania is an attractive country for the foreigners in both ways. Read More…
Company Registration in Lithuania
If you are planning to establish a company or buy ready made company in Lithuania we are ready to help. Company registration takes around 2 weeks. We can register a company without your appearance in Lithuania. Read More…
Businesses For Sale in Lithuania
If you decided to buy a business in Lithuania and get residence permit, you might face many questions on how to do that? Depending on the type of business that you are interested in, the whole process can be quite time and money consuming, therefore, we offer our professional assistance during the whole process of buying a business in Lithuania. Read More…
Business Licenses and Permits
Some types of business i Lithuania requires certain licences. Some of them are easy to obtain, other ones are more difficult and time consuming to get. Several licensed business types might be trading in tobacco, alcohol, gasoline products, providing logistic services, casinos and other. We offer full legal assistance while applying and obtaining any kind of business licences, assistance in fulfilling specific requirements. Read More…
Residence Permit in LITHUANIA
BIZBON consultants assist you to prepare necessary documents to apply for temporary Residence Permit on the grounds of company registration in Lithuania and real business activities. Lithuanian residence permit is issued for two years. For that you need to hire Lithuanian workers, have active business in Lithuania. Read More…
Accounting Services in Vilnius
Accountings of the company is a major part while doing business in any country. Only by having an accurate and up-to-date financial data about your company you can take important decisions. We provide accounting services and have more than 10 years experience in this field, let us to do it at the highest quality and always on time. Read More…
Opening Of Bank Account in Lithuania
Hard to imagine our business operations done without online banking. We can help to open a bank account in Lithuania for EU and non-EU nationals. Usually it takes from 1 to 3 business days to grant a new bank account. Our experienced staff will consult you before choosing a bank, prepare the necessary documents, and assist you in the chosen bank. Read More…
Before applying to Business immigration agencies in Lithuania we were not sure which one of them to choose and which business immigration company is so competent in perfect way to perform such a difficult work for me. Now, I can bravely emphasize and say about BizBon.com specialists – they are really qualified and I’ m satisfied about their given opportunity to start my family business here in Lithuania! Now we can work and live in European Union country.
I have got my TRP with the help of bizbon.com. The bizbon.com team consulted me very well. I am still communicate with these nice people, doesn’t matter that my TRP was done, because they always ready to help and they are really good specialists in this field. My close friend from India recommended me this company and I am very glad. I would like the wish them good luck for their future and plans.
With best regards,
I had found BizBon.com business consulting company on a web. I started to communicate with the company through emails and calls. After all preparations for company registration my TRP was done in a short time. Can’t believe that TRP services can be so fast and smooth. BizBon has done all procedures and document preparation about my TRP in a high quality. They assist me in all departments. May BizBon.lt grow by leaps and bounds.
Good Wishes