How to employ a foreigner in Poland?
Our immigration advisers team will consult you on how to prepare all needful documents in Poland for a foreigner to get visa and work permit, on taxes applicable to employees. We will help to obtain a required work permit (polish residence permit as well) in Poland for your company.
Is it possible to find a job for foreigners in Poland? The best way to find out the job opportunities in Poland is to address to an employment agency. Such agency is usually well aware about the employment situation in Poland and recruitment issues for foreigners.
- Best offer. Also read about how to get One Year Business Visa for SPAIN. More information here
How Non-European Union citizens can work in Poland?
Is it hard to find a job in Poland for non-EU citizens? A foreigner who intends to work in the Republic of Poland must obtain a Polish work permit before entering the Republic of Poland. According to the provisions of Polish legislation, a foreigner is entitled to perform work in the Republic of Poland if at least one of the following criteria is met:
1. holds the status of a refugee granted in the Republic of Poland, or has been granted supplementary protection in the Republic of Poland, is taking advantage of temporary protection in the Republic of Poland;
2. holds a permit allowing for settlement in the Republic of Poland or a a long-term European Union resident permit;
3. is the citizen of a Member State or of EEA;
4. holds a work and residency permit in the Republic of Poland:
- on the basis of a visa,
- on the basis of a visa issued by another Schengen country,
- on the basis of a fixed-term residency permit,
- on the basis of a residency document issued by another Schengen country,
- on the basis of visa-less travel if the provisions of the agreement concerning visa-less travel foresee the performance of work by foreigners.
How European Union citizens can work in Poland?
Is it difficult to find a job for a EU citizen? A foreign national, who is a citizen of one of the Member States of the European Union, European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation may arrive and stay and work in the Republic of Poland.
Formalities to be completed in order to work in Poland
To employ a foreigner under a contract of employment, the following documents are needed:
- a work permit;
- dismissals during 6 months before applying for the issue of a work permit in Poland;
- copy of an issued Polish work permit and an employer’s certificate on a foreigner’s work in an enterprise indicating his/her functions, salary, the amount of assessed and paid taxes and state social insurance payments for all work period.
A Polish work permit is issued to a foreigner. Additionally, it defines the entity hiring the foreigner to carry out work as well as the position or nature of work that is to be carried out by the foreigner and the term of validity of the work permit. The issuance of a work permit in respect to certain groups of foreigners does not require the carrying out of proceedings associated with the requirement to first seek out employees from among the local unemployed workforce or to meet other detailed terms associated with the issuance of such permits. Furthermore, the following persons are exempt from having to obtain information from the county administrator [starosta] concerning the situation on the labor market:
- persons authorised to represent a foreign entrepreneur in his branch or representative office;
- persons being nationals of Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, the Russian Federation or the Ukraine and carrying out nursing-care work or working as household servants for natural persons;
- Furthermore, citizens of Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Republic of Armenia may take up employment without the necessity of obtaining a work permit for a period not exceeding 6 months within 12 subsequent months. Such employment is based on an employer’s declaration of intention to entrust a job to a foreigner submitted by a Polish employer and registered in the county Labour Office for every industry.
- sports trainers or sportsmen;
- doctors under certain conditions.
The procedure for the examination of applications to issue a work permit
A foreigner’s application to issue a work permit in the Republic of Poland must be examined within the period set in legislation. After the work permit is obtained, the employer must pay for the employee’s Social Security and income taxes monthly. The amount of taxes depends on the amount of salary.
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