Bank details for the wire payments
Address: Laisves pr. 125, Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-06118
Company ID: 304942376
Bank name: Wise Bank
Account holder: UAB Nuoroda
IBAN: BE24 9672 7093 7938
Wise bank address: Rue du Trône 100, 3rd floor Brussels 1050 Belgium
Bank name: AB SEB Bank
Acc.: LT76 7044 0600 0830 4743
Bank address: Gedimino pr. 12, LT-01103 Vilnius
Bank ID.: 70440
Before making any payment to UAB “Nuoroda,” please ensure you read and understand BIZBON’s terms and conditions. By proceeding with the payment, it is assumed that you have reviewed and agreed to our company policy.
Payments by card – click here to start the payment
* 5% fee applies to payments made by card.
We accept as well
If you have any questions about our services or need further information, please feel free to contact us.
Address: Laisves pr. 125, Vilnius, Lithuania LT06118
Tel. +370 648 70776