What could be reasons for visa refusal?
There could be many reasons for visa refusal. We want to name some main of them – 1.You submit illegal or counterfeit travel document 2. You have not prove what is Your main aim of travel 3.You have not sufficient income for period of presence, also You have not money for returning back to Your origin country or the place, where You could be let in 4.You are a persona non grata in European Union and in all Schengen area . 5. You are recognized as person who arouse danger for people safety, health, for public order ( according to Schengen bound code 2 article 19 item, or interantional relations, it was published, firstly, when it was notification not to let to come to country for substantiated reasons. 6. You have not prove that You have health insurance document for travel time , when it required or * if some doubts have arisen for documents authenticy.