Business For Sale In Lithuania
Foreign people, especially from non-European Union countries intending to initiate an own business registration or investment process in order start, run or develop business in Lithuania often regret not having sufficient information on entrepreneurial activity and investment opportunities in the regions of Lithuania. They have heard or have read much about the main cities such as Vilnius (an administrative, business and cultural center), Kaunas (industrial and academic center) and Klaipėda ( a port town), where undoubtedly are well developed economical, social and cultural sectors and related services, and where exists much more possibilities start the desired activity. In a current time a big number of foreigners through issued residence permit based on legal activity grounds run personal business and provide a wide range of services in the main cities also wish to enlarge ongoing activities into smaller towns of Lithuania. Saying true, since the end of the last year new law changes entered into force that concerned the non-EU foreigners status, so to get a temporary residence permit to them through the business registration became much more difficult than it were before. However, an experienced foreign entrepreneurs from non-EU countries with a clear and strong motivated business vision may purchase a new or extend valid residence permit without additional difficulties..
Undiscovered opportunities for business in the local regions has a high potential within the new investment attraction aiming to promote as possible more innovations in agricultural sector, establish science centers or laboratories, set up an industrial manufacture centers or perhaps take the plunge for transposing an already operating successful business from other countries of Europe to one of the regions in Lithuania. Such and other viable ideas has impacted a great interest among the foreign entrepreneurs and investors for the new opportunities in smaller towns. Regional state institutions watching an increased interest has initiate development projects to strengthen mutual cooperation among the municipalities and businesses. New investments into economic and social project development in the regions can solve still existing problems, such as high unemployment (occupation programs to reduce an unemployment), immigration to other countries of Europe (jobs creation by establishing local industrial, science or IT centers and thus promoting local communities to stay for the new possibilities) Possible partnership in a regional level and an attraction of new investments during the nearest decade may radically change the situation in the regions.