How to buy business in Lithuania
We participate in negotiations for the purchase or sale of operating business in Lithuania and estimate its price. Perform internal and external audits of companies, analyze possible debts, provided guarantees and warranties, also we assess reputation of a company. More than thousands of customers have applied to us on different issues of business area and they were satisfied with our services. An increasing number of customers – it is an indicator that shows about our immaculate work. We have long-term experience on sales, purchases and connections of various business units – from manufacturing and construction companies to restaurants and businesses that provide a wide range of services (transportation, design, IT, auto repair and etc.).
According to customer requests we can find the desired company in order to purchase. If the business is not for sale, we can represent the interests of performer providing suggestions within maintaining the confidentiality. We can also offer companies with a zero balance, but with a history of activities that have been registered for more than three years ago and further, but at present time they are not engaged in any kind of activity. These companies have a large demand and popularity among the customers due to solidity and value than those companies that have been registered a month or two ago. In addition, these companies tend to have a good financial history of activity. We provide assurance that those selling companies do not have any debts and / or other duties. In order to purchase those ready-made companies we kindly request to contact us.
We will help You to find out about investment in Lithuania, begin Your own business in Lithuania and find partners, what is also very important – we will assist to find the sphere where You can invest successfully. As we always have companies (limited liability companies – JSC it is one of the best choices for anyone who wishes to establish a small or medium business in Lithuania) that are ready for work, we just need to know what sum of money You are ready to invest and what You would like to do. From our existing list of companies You can choose the most suitable. Companies are in perfect financial past and already have a stamp, registration address, bank account, statutes and other necessary documents. So, if You need a company here and you do not have a lot of time for setting up a new enterprises, we will offer to purchase a registered company with which you can immediately begin operations. And if You already know what You would like to do and what type of business do You want, just leave all the preparatory work for us! We will promptly offer the best variant! We will arrange all the documents necessary for the establishment of the company from A to Z, meanwhile You will have an opportunity to solve more important business matters. We offer companies that are registered 1, 2 or 10 years ago, as well as companies operating with turnover.
Therefore, we offer the perfect solution for those who want quality and rapidly launch business – buying an existing, without any obligations, company. You will not only save time but also avoid the company establishing procedures. You will get office address for an indefinite period and will become a company shareholder and director or manager on the same day as the share transfer agreement is signed. Consequently, You can immediately begin operations.